
An important part of the mandate of The Mariano A. Elia Chair in Italian-Canadian Studies is to promote knowledge of the Italian-Canadian experience and its role in the development of Canada through teaching, research and publication, public forums, conferences, and community outreach.

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Bibliography of Italian-Canadian Studies


Aasen, Clarence T.
“Ethnicity, Politics and Urban Planning: Political Use of French and Italian Ethnicity in Two Local Area Planning Processes.” PhD thesis, University of Waterloo, 1980. 4 microfiches, Canadian theses on microfiche, CT45962.

Abucar, Mohamed Hagi
Italians. Tantallon, N.S.: Four East Publications, 1991, 56 p. ill.

Adamo, Maria Gabriella, ed.
“Il Québec e La Sicilia Nella Cinematografia Del Canada Francofono: Le Radici, Il Sogno, Il Multilinguismo,” Roma, Italy: Herder (Università Di Messina, 8 Maggio 1997) 1999.

Agnoletto, Stefano
The Italians Who Built Toronto: Italian Workers and Contractors in the City’s Housebuilding Industry, 1950-1980, Oxford, UK: Peter Lang, 2014, 360 p.

Agnoletto, Stefano
Building an Economic Niche: Italian Immigrants in the Toronto Construction Industry (1950s-1970s), a case study, PhD thesis, Kingston University, London, UK, 2013.

Aliaga, David
“Italian Immigrants in Calgary: Dimensions of Cultural Identity,” Canadian Ethnic Studies, vol. XXVI no. 2 (1994) p. 139-.

Allen, Glyn P.
“Italians in Canada.” A Paper Prepared for the American Italian Historical Assn. Meeting in Toronto, December 1967. 11 p. Typescript.

Allen, Patrick
“Les italo-canadiens n’ont pas qu’un son de cloche.” L’action nationale, vol. 66 Feb. (1977) p. 486-487.

Allen, Robert T.
“From Italy With Joy.” The Canadian Magazine, November 8, 1969.

Allen, Robert Thomas
“Portrait of Little Italy.” Maclean’s, Toronto, vol. 77 no. 6; March 21, 1964, p. 17-19, 43-44, 46, illus.

Alessio, Antonio.
“Il teatro italiano in Hamilton,” Italian Canadiana, vol. 4 (1988) pp. 175-.

Allevato, Costanza
“The Status of Italian Immigrant Women in Canada.” Canadian Woman Studies, vol. 8 no. 2 (1987) p. 12-13.

Allodi, F.
“The Italians in Toronto: Mental Health Problems of an Immigrant Community.” In: Social Deviance in Canada, ed. by W.E. Mann, Toronto, Copp Clark, 1971, p. 250-263, bibliog.

Alusio, Francesco
“Pugliesi Immigrants in Canada.” In: A Monument for Italian-Canadian Immigrants: Regional Migration from Italy to Canada, eds. G. Scardellato and Manuela Scarci. Toronto, Ontario: Department of Italian Studies, University of Toronto and The Italian-Canadian Immigrant Commemorative Association, 1999, p. 40-45.

Amatiello, Michele
“CHIN Radio and its Listeners: A Negotiation in the Post-War Commerce of Ethnicity.” Italians in Canada: Selected Studies in Art, Literature, and History, special issue Quaderni d’Italianistica, Vol 33 No 1 (2012): 63-82.

Amenta, Michelle
From the Terra d’Amuri to Toronto: The Effects of Immigration on Traditional Music Among Sicilians, MA thesis, York University, 2005, typescript, xii, 154 leaves.

Amprimoz, Alexandre L.
“Féminisme italo-québécois au masculin: Addolorata de Marco Micone.” Italian Canadiana, vol. 6 (1990) p. 30- .

Amprimoz, Alexandre L.
“De l’amour dans la ferraille: Roch Carrier e l’oedipe ethnoesémiotique.” Italian Canadiana, vol. 5 no. 1 (1989) p. 134- 146.

Amprimoz, Alexandre L.
“La Civis et la Polis: Toronto et Montréal dans la poésie italo-canadienne,” Italian Canadiana, vol. 4 (1988) pp. 94- .

Amprimoz, Alexandre L. and Sante L. Viselli
“Le jardinier qui roule ses “r”: L’Italien littéraire au Québec,” Italian Canadiana, vol. 3 (1987) pp. 68- .

Amprimoz, Alexandre L. and Sante A. Viselli
“La generazione del silenzio: il movimento Caccia- Alfonso.” Italian Canadiana, vol. 2 no. 1 (1986) p. 86-97.

Amprimoz, Alexandre L.
“Death Between Two Cultures: Italian-Canadian Poetry.” In: Contrasts: Comparative Essays on Italian Canadian Writing, ed. Joseph Pivato. Montreal: Guernica Editions, 1985, p. 101-120.

Annuario italiano
Toronto, Ont., Italian Information Bureau, 1930-1935. 5 vols? Title varies: Italian City Directory (1929-30), Direttorio italiano (1931).

Anselmi, William
“Italian Canadian as Displacement Poetics: Context, History, and Literary Production,” Post-migration ‘Italo-Canada’, special issue of Studi Emigrazione: Rivista trimestrale del Centro Studi Emigrazione, Roma, eds. Sonia Cancian & Bruno Ramirez, vol. 44, no. 166, (2007): 355-368.

Anselmi, William
“A Survey on Italo-Canadian Literature: A Paradoxical Panorama Unresolved.” Vice versa, no. 16 (1986) p. 41- 43.

Antonietti, Sandro
“Emigrazione agricola dall’Italia in Canada.” Rivista di economia agraria, vol. 8 (March 1953) p. 133-149.

Arcangelo, Martino
Italian Roots and Canadian Blossoms: A History of Brantford’s Italian-Canadian Community, 1880-1999. Brantford, ON: Almar Pub., 2000. 358 p.

Ares, Richard
“Le groupe italien.” L’action nationale, vol. 65 no. 7 (1976) p. 439 A42.

Ashwelf, Mary
“Bobby’s Beat … .” Liberty, vol. 40 (31 March 1964) p. 11, 35-36, illus.

Associazioni ed Enti Italiani in Canada, Edizione 1934.
A cura dell’Italian Bureau e Il Bollettino italo-canadese.

Auer, Peter
“Italian in Toronto: A Preliminary Comparative Study on Language use and Language Maintenance.” Multilingua, vol. 10 no. 4 (1991): 403-40.

Augimeri, Maria
“View of Youth on Unity: Presentation One.” In: Unity Within Diversity, eds. Shiu L. Kong and R. Ray. Toronto, Ontario: University of Toronto Press, 1978, p.72-77.

Augimeri, Maria
Italian-Canadians: A Cross Section. Ottawa: National Congress of Italian Canadians, 1978.


Bagnell, Kenneth
“The Making of Canadese: A Portrait of Italian Canadians.” Italian Canadiana, vol. 8 (1992) p. 15-21.

Bagnell, Kenneth
Canadese: A Portrait of the Italian Canadians. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1989. 287 p.

Baldacci, Osvaldo
L’incidenza geografico-culturale del gruppo etnico italiano nel contesto urbano di Toronto. Roma: Universita di Roma, Istituto di Geografia, Facolta di Lettere e Filosofia, 1972.

Baldo, Michela
“Malocchio in Nino Ricci’s Lives Of The Saints.” Italians in Canada: Selected Studies in Art, Literature, and History, special issue Quaderni d’Italianistica, vol. 33 no. 1 (2012): 37-60.

Balestreri, Violet
In: Thirty-Four Biographies of Canadian Composers, by CBC International Service, Montreal 1964, P. 10-13.

Bancheri, Salvatore.
“Siciliano e italiese nelle opere di Lina Riccobene” Italian Canadiana, vol. 17 (2003:)47-66.

Bancheri, Salvatore.
“Teatro metastasiano in Ontario?,” Italian Canadiana, vol. 9 (1993) pp. 78-.

Bancheri, Salvatore.
“Una sacra rappresentazione settecentesca a Toronto,” Italian Canadiana, vol. 7 (1991) pp. 121-.

Banting, Sarah
“Eating at the Buffet of Love: “Consummating” “Tony n’ Tina’s Wedding” in Vancouver,” Canadian Theatre Review, no. 134 (2008): 12-17.

Barbina, Guido
“The Friulian Community in Canada Between Integration and Assimilation.” In: An Italian Region in Canada: The Case of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, ed. K. Eisenbichler, Toronto, Ontario: Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1998, pp. 45-62.

Baron, Robert
“L’Italie dans l’imaginaire quebécois: une analyse de communication inter-culturelle.” M.Sc. thesis, Université de Montréal, 1986. 1 microfilm.

Battigelli, Rosanna
“Angel of God,” Canadian Woman Studies, vol. 26 no. 1 (2007): 60-62.

Battistelli, Fabrizio
“L’Autonomia Culturale Come Strumento di Assimilazione: I Mass Media Italiani nella Communità Immigrante di Toronto.” Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, vol. 16 no. 3 (1975): 449-465.

Bayley, Charles M.
“The Social Structure of the Italian and Ukrainian Immigrant Communities in Montreal, 1935-37.” M.A. thesis, Sociology, McGill University, Montreal 1939.

Bellini Weisbart, Stephanie
The Kitchen Table Talks: Immigrant Domestic Workers in Toronto’s Post War Years, MA thesis, Memorial University, St John, Nfld, 2011.

Belliveau, J.E.
“How Are Canada’s Italians Making Out.” The Star Weekly, Toronto, 17 March 1956.

Betelli, Patrizia
Review of Gabaccia, Donna & Franca Iacovetta, eds., Women, Gender, and Transnational Lives: Italian Workers of the World (2002), Quaderni d’Italianistica, vol. 23 no. 2 (2002) p. 145-47.

Bianchini, Luciano and Alexander Malycky
“Italian-Canadian Periodical Publications. First Supplement.” Canadian Ethnic Studies, vol. 5 no. 1-2 (1973) pp. 197-204.

Bianchini, Luciano
“Italian-Canadian Periodical Publications: A Preliminary Check List by Luciano Bianchini and Alexander Malycky.” Canadian Ethnic Studies, vol. 2 no. 1 (1970) pp. 121-126.

Bianchini, Luciano
“University Research on Italian-Canadians: A Preliminary Check List of Theses.” Canadian Ethnic Studies, vol. 2 no. 1; 1970, pp. 117-119.

Bibordy, F.X.
“Conflit de culture et criminalité des italiens à Montréal.” PhD thesis, Université de Montréal, 1970.

Binns, Margaret A.
“Cultural Pluralism in Canada: An Exploratory Study of the Italians and Ukrainians in London, Ontario.” MA thesis, University of Western Ontario, 1971. 106 leaves.

Bohnon, Linda
“Italian Voice.” Globe and Mail, Toronto, 14 April 1970, p. 31, illus.

Boissevain, Jeremy
The Italians of Montreal, Quebec: Social Adjustment in a Plural Society. The Italian American Experience Series. New York, N.Y.: Arno Press, 1975. 87 p. map.

Boissevain, Jeremy
Les italiens de Montréal, Québec: L’adaptation dans une société pluraliste. Ottawa, Ontario: Queen’s Printer, 1971. xiv, 87 p.

Boissevain, Jeremy F.
The Italians of Montreal: Social Adjustment in a Plural Society. Ottawa, Queen’s Printer, 1970. xiii, 87 p. map, bibliog. (Studies of the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism, 7)

Boissevain, Jeremy F.
The Italians of Montreal: Immigrant Adjustment in a Plural Society. Report no. 6 (Div. 5A) to the RCS&B, Ottawa, 1965. viii, 112 p. bibliog.

Bonar, Rita
“New Perspectives on Aged Italian Women: Implications for Minority Groups of Aged Ethnic Women.” Canadian Ethnic Studies, vol. 28 no. 2 (1996) p. 64 (et seq.).

Bosa, Teresa
“The Italo Canadian Woman in a Changing World.” Canadian Mosaic, (1975) pp. 12-13, 16.

Bourhis, Richard Y.
“Vitality Perceptions and Language Attitudes: Some Canadian Data.” Journal of Language and Social Psychology, vol. 3 no. 2 (1984) pp. 97-126.

Bowen, Lynne
Whoever Gives Us Bread: The Story of Italians in British Columbia, Vancouver and Toronto: Douglas and McIntyre, 2011. 372 pp.

Brandino, Diana
“The Italians in Hamilton, 1921-1945.” Master’s thesis, University of Western Ontario, 1977.

Bressan, 0.
Non Dateci Lenticchie. Esperienze, Commenti, Prospettive di Vita Italo-Canadese. Toronto, Ontario: Gagliano Printing, 1958, 26 p.

Bruti Liberati, Luigi
“The Internment of Italian Canadians.” In: Enemies Within: Italian and Other Internees in Canada and Abroad, eds. Franca Iacovetta, Roberto Perin & Angelo Principe. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000, pp. 76-98.

Bruti Liberati, Luigi, ed.
Il Canada e la Guerra dei Trent’Anni. Milano, Italy: Centro interuniversitario di studi sul Canada, Università di Milano and Guerini studio, 1989. 336 p.

Bruti Liberati, Luigi
“L’internamento degli italocanadesi durante la seconda guerra mondiale.” In: Il Canada e la Guerra dei Trent’Anni, ed. L. Bruti Liberati. Milano, Italy: Centro interuniversitario di studi sul Canada, Università di Milano and Guerini studio, 1989, pp. 199-227.

Bruti Liberati, Luigi
“Fascismo, antifascismo e gli italiani in Canada.” Italian Canadiana, vol. 2 (1986) pp. 50-62.

Bruti Liberati, Luigi
“Le relazioni tra Canada e l’Italia e l’emigrazione Italiana nel primo novecento.” Studi Emigrazione, vol. 22 no. 77 (1985) pp. 44-67.

Bruti Liberati, Luigi
Il Canada, l’Italia e il fascismo, 1919-1945. Rome: Bonacci editore, 1984. 256 p.

Bruti Liberati, Luigi
“La società Canadese e il fascismo: `Views from a Fire-Proof House’.” Storia Contemporanea, vol. 13 no. 3/4 (1982) pp. 877- 908.

Buckner, H. Taylor
“A Study of Canadian Attitudes Towards Jews, Italians and Poles: A Three Year Analysis.” Review of Anti-semitism in Canada (1985) pp. 11-36.

Buranello, Roberto
“`Che mai gavessi detto’: The Immigrant Experience in Gianni Grohovaz’s Strada Bianca.” In: An Italian Region in Canada: The Case of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, ed. K. Eisenbichler, Toronto, Ontario: Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1998, pp. 137-152.

Buranello, Robert
“Considerazioni storiche e prospettive moderne sui Giuliano-Dalmati in Canada,” Italian Canadiana, vol. 9 (1993) pp. 46- .

Buranello, Robert, ed.
I Giuliani-Dalmati in Canada: considerazioni ed immagini. Toronto, Legas, 1995.

Burton, Howard J. et al.
Italian-Canadians in Ontario: Services and Needs. Toronto, Ontario: National Congress of Italian-Canadians Foundation (Ontario), 1979. 259 p.

Butcher, Leonard
“Homeland Isn’t as it Used to be.” Globe and Mail, Toronto, 18 January 1971, p. 8.

Buzzelli, Michael
“From Little Britain to Little Italy: An Urban Ethnic Landscape Study in Toronto,” Journal of Historical Geography, vol. 27 no. 4 (2001) pp. 537-.

Buzzelli, Michael
“Toronto’s Postwar Little Italy: Landscape Changes and Ethnic Relations,” Canadian Geographer, vol. 44 no. 3 (2000) pp. 298-.


Caccia, Fulvio
“The Italian Writer and Language.” In: Contrasts: Comparative Essays on Italian Canadian Writing, ed. Joseph Pivato. Montreal: Guernica Editions, 1985, p. 153-168.

Caccia, Ivana
Managing the Canadian Mosaic in Wartime: Shaping Citizenship Policy, 1939-1945, Montreal, PQ: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2010, x, 359 p. : ill., ports., facsims. ; 24 cm.

Caccia, Fulvio et Antonio d’Alfonso, comps.
Qu’tes: textes d’auteurs italo-québécois. Montréal: Éditions Guernica, 1983. 280 p.

Calcagno, Antonio
“Giorgio Agamben, Modern Sovereignty and the Camps: A Challenge for Canada,” in Lica Canton et al., eds. em>Beyond Barbed Wire: Essays on the Internment of Italian Canadians, Toronto, ON: Guernica Editions, 2012, pp. 31-40.

Cameron, Ann
“The Contemporary Italian House in Toronto,” Italian Canadiana, vol. 4 (1988) pp. 84-.

Canada. Citizenship and Immigration.
Profiles Italy : Italian immigrants in Canada, 1996, 11 p.

Canada. Department of Citizenship and Immigration.
Some Observations an Italian Immigrants in Toronto. Ottawa, Economic and Social Research Division, Dept. of Citizenship and Immigration, March 1961. 24 p. maps (Report EG-2 Confidential)

Canada. Royal Commission on Italian Immigration.
The Royal Commission Appointed to Inquire Into the Immigration of Italian Labourers to Montreal and the Alleged Fraudulent Practices of Employment Agencies. Report of [John Winchester] and evidence. Issued by the Department of Labour, Canada. Ottawa, S.F. Dawson, 1905. xii, 173 p. (Canada. Parliament, 1905. Sessional Paper 36b)

Canada. Royal Commission on Italian Immigration
Report of Commissioner and Evidence. “The Royal Commission Appointed to Inquire into the Immigration of Italians…,” Ottawa, Ontario: S.E. Dawson, Printer to the King, 1905. 173 p.

The Canadian Family Tree
“Italians.” Don Mills, Ontario: Corpus, 1979, pp. 128-133.

The Canadian Family Tree.
“Italians.” Ottawa, Ontrio: Queen’s Printer, 1967, pp. 185-193.

Cancian, Sonia
“’Tutti a Tavola!’ Feeding the Family in Two Generations of Italian Immigrant Households in Montreal,” in Marlene Epp, Franca Iacovetta and Valerie Korinek, eds. Edible Histories, Cultural Politics: Towards a Canadian Food History. Toronto: UTP, 2012, pp. 209-224.

Cancian, Sonia
Families, Lovers, and Their Letters: Italian Postwar Migration to Canada, Winnipeg, MA: University of Manitoba Press, 2010. biblio. 192 p.

Cancian, Sonia
“Intersecting Labour and Social Networks Across Cities and Borders,” Post-migration ‘Italo-Canada’, special issue of Studi Emigrazione: Rivista trimestrale del Centro Studi Emigrazione, Roma, eds. Sonia Cancian & Bruno Ramirez, vol. 44, no. 166, (2007): 313-326.

Cancian, Sonia & Bruno Ramirez, eds.
Post-migration “Italo-Canada”, special issue of Studi Emigrazione: Rivista trimestrale del
Centro Studi Emigrazione
, Roma vol. 44, no. 166, April-June 2007.

Cancian, Sonia & Bruno Ramirez
“Post-Migration ‘Italo-Canada’: New Perspectives on its Past, Present, and Future,” IN: Post-migration ‘Italo-Canada’;, special issue of Studi Emigrazione: Rivista trimestrale del Centro Studi Emigrazione, Roma, eds. Sonia Cancian & Bruno Ramirez, vol. 44, no. 166, (2007): 259-272.

Cancian, Sonia & Bruno Ramirez, eds.
“Gli Italo-Canadesi in esposizione. Intervista a Mauro Peressini,” Post-migration ‘Italo-Canada’, special issue of Studi Emigrazione: Rivista trimestrale del Centro Studi Emigrazione, Roma, edited by Sonia Cancian & Bruno Ramirez, vol. 44, no. 166, (2007): 389-394.

Canton, Licia et al., eds.
Beyond Barbed Wire: Essays on the Internment of Italian Canadians, Toronto, ON: Guernica Editions, 2012.

Canton, Licia and Joseph Pivato
“Writing the Silence.” In: Licia Canton et al. eds. Beyond Barbed Wire: Essays on the Internment of Italian Canadians, Toronto, ON: Guernica Editions, 2012, pp. 15-30.

Capurri, Valentina
Italian Catholic Immigrants in Toronto at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century : A Case of Religious Citizenship, MA thesis, York University, 2003, v, 151 leaves.

Capone, Phil
“The Conception, Birth and Growth of a Monument.” In: A Monument for Italian-Canadian Immigrants: Regional Migration from Italy to Canada, eds. G. Scardellato and Manuela Scarci. Toronto, Ontario: Department of Italian Studies, University of Toronto and The Italian-Canadian Immigrant Commemorative Association, 1999, p. 84-87.

Cappadocia, Ezio
“An Italo-Canadian’s Haunting Memories of Caporetto.” Italian Canadiana, vol. 12 (1996) pp. 60-67.

Cappadocia, Ezio
“On Becoming a Canadian.” Italian Canadiana, vol. 8 (1992) pp. 54-.

Cappadocia, Ezio
“Remembering Bob Harney.” Italian Canadiana, vol. 7 (1991) p. 11-.

Cappadocia, Ezio
“Italian Traditions in Canada,” Italian Canadiana, vol. 4 (1988) pp. 40-.

Cappadocia, Ezio
“Immigration: Old and New,” Italian Canadiana, vol. 3 (1987) pp. 46-.

Carbone, Antonio
“A Personal Perspective on the Italian Family System with Treatment and Intervention Applications.” Intervention, no. 74 (1986) pp. 56-60.

Carbone, Stanislao
Italians in Winnipeg: An Illustrated History. Winnipeg, MA: University of Manitoba Press, 1998. ix, 102 p. illus.

Carbone, Stanislao
The Streets Were Not Paved With Gold: A Social History of Italians in Winnipeg. Winnipeg, MA: Manitoba Italian Heritage Committee, 1993. 112 p.

Carella, Anthony and Joanne Chianello
Directory of Italian Canadian Resources in Ontario. Toronto, ON: National Congress of Italian Canadians, 1990.

Carelevaris, Anna
“Italian Artists in Quebec, Some Methodological Considerations,” Post-migration ‘Italo-Canada’, special issue of Studi Emigrazione: Rivista trimestrale del Centro Studi Emigrazione, Roma, eds. Sonia Cancian & Bruno Ramirez, vol. 44, no. 166, (2007): 295-312.

Carley, Glenn
Polenta at Midnight: Tales of Gusto and Enchantment at North York, Montréal, PQ: Véhicule Press, 2007.

Caroli, Betty Boyd, Robert F. Harney and Lydio F. Tomasi, eds.
The Italian Immigrant Woman In North America. Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Conference of the American Italian Historical Association held in Toronto, Ontario (Canada), October 28 and 29, 1977 in conjunction with the Canadian Historical Association. Toronto, Ontario: Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1978. xvi, 386 p. bibliog.

Carraro, Joseph
“Unions and the Italian Community.” Polyphony: The Bulletin of the Multicultural History Society of Ontario, vol. 7 no. 2 (1985) p. 105- 106.

Castrilli, Annamarie P.
“The Maturity of a Community: The National Congress of Italian Canadians.” Italian Canadiana, vol. 7 (1991) p. 20- .

Caticchio, Tonino, ed.
La Poesia italiana nel Québec/La poésie italienne au Québec. Montréal: Il Centro, 1983, 140 p. 22 cm.

Caussy, Devianee
“Residential Mobility of Italian Immigrants in Hamilton.” n.l.: n.p., 1980, xii, 122 leaves.

Cautillo, Franka Pauline
“Nurturing Mind, Body and Soul in the Garden of Alma Mater and Beyond: A Journey into Identity Formation,” Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences.

Cava, Ralph S. della
Resources for the Study of Italian Emigration: A Directory of Libraries and Archives in Rome and Florence. New York, N.Y.: Center for Migration Studies, 1977. 6 p.

Cavalluzzo, Jean Smith and Hickman, Pamela
Italian Canadian Internment in the Second World War, Righting Canada’s Wrongs Series. Toronto, ON: James Lorimer & Co., 2012, 112 p.

Cavarzan, John
“The Role of Italian Canadians in the Administration of Justice.” Italian Canadiana, vol. 15 (2001): 97-111.

Cecchetto, Vittorina
“‘Don’t Speak the Enemy’s Language!’: The Impact of the War Years on the Italian-Canadian Identity and Culture,” In: Licia Canton et al. eds. Beyond Barbed Wire: Essays on the Internment of Italian Canadians, Toronto, ON: Guernica Editions, 2012, pp. 225-234.

Celli, Anna
“Italian Time Line.” Polyphony: The Bulletin of the Multicultural History Society of Ontario, vol. 9 no. 1 (1987) pp. 44- 46.

Ceschia, Gianni
“Regional Cuisines in Italy.” In: Buon appetito! Italian Foodways in Ontario, ed. by Jo Marie Powers. Toronto: The Ontario Historical Society, 2000, p. 7-9.

Chapman, Rosemary
Education and Italy. Toronto, Ontario: Board of Education for the City of Toronto, 1969.

Chandler, S.B.
“The Department of Italian Studies and the Italian Community (1973-1984).” Italian Canadiana, vol. 5 (1989) p. 49- 55.

Chiarelli, B.
“The Use of Family Names in the Study of Human Migration During the Last Two Centuries.” Mankind Quarterly, vol. 33 no. 1 (1992): 69- .

Ciatu, N.A., et al. eds.,
Curaggia: Writing by Women of Italian Descent. Toronto, ON: Women’s Press, 1998. 6 p.

Ciccocelli, J. Anthony
“The Innocuous Enemy Alien: Italians in Canada During World War II.” Master’s thesis, University of Western Ontario, 1977.

Cioni, Maria
Spaghetti Western: How My Father Brought Italian Food to the West, Calgary, AB: Fifth House, 2006.

Clark, Elizabeth
“Ethnicity in Recreational Geography: Recreational Activity Patterns and Preferences of the Ukrainian and Italian Population.” MA research paper, York University, 1975.

Clivio, Gianrenzo
“Competing Loanwords and Loanshifts in Toronto italiese.” In: Altro Polo. Italian Abroad. Studies on Language Contact in English-speaking Countries, ed. Camilla Bettoni. Sidney: Fredirick May Foundation for Italian Studies, University of Sidney, 1986, pp. 129-46.

Clivio, Gianrenzo
“Su alcune caracteristiche dell’Italiese di Toronto.” Il Veltro, vol. XXIX nos. 3-4 (1985), pp. 483-493.

Clivio, Gianrenzo
“Italiese Glossary: Report of Research.” University of Toronto Graduate, vol. 5 no. 2 (1977) pp. 1, 7.

Colalillo, Giuliana
“L’Altra Italia in Toronto,” In: Vincenzo Pietropaolo, Not Paved With Gold, Toronto, ON: Between The Lines, 2006. pp. 5-8.

Colalillo, Giuliana
“The Italian Immigrant Family.” Polyphony: The Bulletin of the Multicultural History Society of Ontario, vol. 7 no. 2 (1985) pp. 119- 122.

Colalillo, Giuliana
Value Structures Within Italian Immigrant Families Continuity Or Conflict?. Ottawa, ON: National Library of Canada, 1983.

Colalillo, Giuliana
“Value Structures Within Italian Immigrant Families: Continuity or Conflict?” PhD dissertation, University of Toronto, 1981.

Colalillo, Giuliana
“A Brief Note on `The Italian Woman in North America’.” Multiculturalism, vol. I no. 4 (1978) p. 25-26.

Colalillo, Giuliana
“Culture Conflict in the Adolescent Italian Girl.” MA thesis, University of Toronto, 1974. 103 leaves.

Colangelo, Aldo
Sole, senza sole. (110 donne italiane di Toronto, Canada). Toronto, ON: Docet, 1998.

Colantonio, Frank
From the Ground Up: An Italian Immigrant’s Story. Afterword by Craig Heron, Toronto: Between the Lines, 1997.

Colussi Arthur, Gabriella
“Zoppola, Zoppolani and Migration to Western Canada: A Sample Study.” Italians in Canada: Selcted Studies in Art, Literature, and History, special issue Quaderni d’Italianistica, vol. 33 no. 1 (2012): 107-132.

Colussi Arthur, Gabriella
Methodological Reflections on Italian-Canadian Storytelling. PhD thesis, York University, 2014.

Conte, Franco
“Editorial Views: Nuovo Mondo.” Polyphony: The Bulletin of the Multicultural History Society of Ontario, vol. 4 no. 1 (1982) p. 126.

Cook, Ramsay and Jean Hamelin, eds.
Dictionary of Canadian Biography. Volume XIII, 1901-1910. Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press and Les Presses de l’université Laval, 1987, see: “Italy,” p. 1206, 1218.

Cordasco, Francesco
Italian Americans: A Guide to Information Sources. Ethnic Studies Information Guide Series. Detroit, Michigan. Gale Research Co., 1978. xix, 222 p. Canada: p. 127-129.

Cordasco, Francesco and Salvatore LaGumina
Italians in the United States: A Bibliography of Reports, Texts, Critical Studies and Related Materials. New York, N.Y.: Oriole Editions, 1972. xvi, 137 p.

Costa, Elio and Gabriele Scardellato
Lawrence Grassi: From Piedmont to the Rocky Mountains. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2015. 308 p. maps. Bibliography: 291-296. 96 figures.

Costa, Elio and Odoardo Di Santo
“The Italian-Canadian Child, His Family and the Canadian School System.” In: Must Schools Fail? The Growing Debate in Canadian Education, eds. Niall Byrne and Jack Quarter. Toronto, Ontario: McClelland and Stewart, 1972, p. 242-250.

COSTI Italian Community Education Centre
COSTI: Integration Through Education. Toronto, Ontario 1973. 46 leaves.

Craig, Jean Carol
“Associations of Persons of Italian Origin in Toronto.” Toronto 1957. M.A. thesis, University of Toronto.

Cristiano, Anthony
“A Self-Concious Mise-en-scène: Experimenting with ‘Disownment and Appropriation’,” Italians in Canada: Selected Proceedings from the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Italian Studies, special issue of Quaderni d’Italianistica ed. Gabriele Scardellato, vol. 28, no. 1, (2007): 151-166.

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Related Links


Italian-Canadian Archives Project


Italian American Historical Association


National Congress of Italian Canadians


The John D. Calandra Italian American Institute


Italian American Museum (San Francisco)


Center for Migration Studies (New York)


The Centre for Migration Studies (CSER ⁄ Rome)


Immigration History Research Center (University of Minnesota)


York University — Italian Studies


An International Journal of studies on the peoples of Italian origin in the world